All About Mushrooms


The Brain mushroom (Gyromitra esculenta)

One of several species of fungi known as false morels, is an ascomycete fungus from the genus Gyromitra, widely distributed across Europe and North America. It normally sprouts in sandy soils under coniferous trees in spring and early summer.

The fruiting body, or mushroom, is an irregular brain-shaped cap dark brown in colour which can reach 10 cm high and 15 cm wide, perched on a stout white stipe up to 6 cm (2.4 in) high.

Although potentially fatal if eaten raw, Gyromitra esculenta is a popular delicacy in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and the upper Great Lakes region of North America.


The Bleeding Tooth fungus (Hydnellum pecki)

Bleeding Tooth Fungus, or Hydnellum peckii which goes by various names often referring to juice or blood. This fungus can be found in North America where it is more common in the Pacific Northwest and resides mostly in coniferous forests.


Upon a first glimpse of the bleeding tooth fungus, one may dismiss the ruby-red liquid as the blood of some poor forest creature splattered across the white mushroom cap. When inspected more closely, it becomes obvious that the fungus is oozing liquid through its own small pores.



The Devil's Cigar (Chorioactis) – world's Rarest fungi


Star-shaped mushroom, called the Devil's Cigar (Chorioactis geaster) is one of the world's rarest fungi.

It's also known as the Texas star. These fungi had been detected only in central Texas, two remote locations in Japan, and most recently in the mountains of Nara.


Fly Amanita (Amanita muscaria) – world's most famous mushroom


The fly Agaric or the fly Amanita, the Amanita muscaria is a poisonous and psychoactive basidiomycete fungi, which is one of many in the genus Amanita.

They have been featured in children's books, films, garden ornaments, greeting cards, and computer games.

This toadstool is associated with the famous book turned movie, Alice in Wonderland; the mushroom in Super Mario Bros.